Thursday, November 1, 2012

Blog post #10

I'm a Papermate. I'm a Ticonderoga
papermate cartoon

John T. Spencer posted a cartoon on his blog called Adventures in Pencil Integration. One of the cartoons is a papermate that cost less and breaks all the time. The other is ticonderoga which is more expensive but it is a high quality product. Even though these cartoons are different, they are somewhat saying the same thing. Everyone tries to save money in any as possible by buying cheap products. Papermate is very cheap so that's what people will buy. But people fail to realize that papermate breaks more often so they end up buying more and spending more money. On the other hand, Ticonderoga is very expensive but it last longer because of the good quality of the product. In other words, it's worth the money. People don't realize that even though something cost a lot, it will do you good in the end instead of products that are no good.

 Why Were Your Kids Playing Games
In Mr. Spencer's blog post he tells a story about how a teacher was called into the principal office because his students were playing games in the classroom. According to the principal, games were not allowed. The teacher tries to explain to the principal about how these games are helping the students learn, but the principal never gives him a change to explain how.

You can see that the principal is more concern about the "role memorization test" that he fails to see that the teacher is actually trying to help prepare them. I feel that if students are not having fun while they are learning then most of the information being taught to them is going in one ear and out of the other. Learning should be exciting with a good experience. I think the more fun you have learning new things, the more eager you are to learn.

Don't Teach Your Kids To Read This Stuff. Please?
When I read "Don't Teach Your Kids To Read This Stuff. Please? by Scott McLeod, who is an Associate Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Kentucky, Founding Director of the UCEA Center of the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership of Education (CASTLE), an Blogger, the author of a book called "What School Leaders Need to Know about Technologies and Social Media", and one of his quotes are “If the leaders don’t get it, it’s not going to happen.”, the first thing I noticed about his blog was the writing style. I wonder why he made his post that way. Dr. McLeod was making a point about how your students and children should not be reading or writing on the internet because it is unsafe. He made a list of negative things about the internet.

When I read this post my reaction was "Wow, did he have a bad experience with the internet?" I agree and disagree with what Dr. McLeod about some of the things he was saying. Some parts of the internet are bad and there are sites that children should not be visiting, but you also have to know the using the internet is a helpful tool. With everything been done with technology you can't help but use the web. I agree with Dr. McLeod about how pens and papers aren't going anywhere because people don't need to always rely on the web to do things.


  1. Hey Shannon,
    I really enjoyed your post and found our conclusions kinda different, but it is interesting to see everyone's different views. Although, I did find some grammar mistakes throughout your post, it was not enough to say it is unsatisfactory. I find that if you prof-read it twice and read it aloud, then it helps a lot. Overall, I really enjoyed it and keep up the good work.

  2. Shannon,

    The cartoon was a metaphor for PC and Mac computers. The blog posts you have read for this assignment are using sarcasm to make the point that our entire educational system focuses on things like memorization rather than life skills. We can change this with technology. Dr. McLeod fully believes we should be using technology in the classroom.
